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The "pinspiration"...um, yes, please! |
As you know my foray into home farming has given me a myriad of zucchini (see below) and what can a girl make with a buhzillion delicious green gourds? Sure, I could fry up some zucchini slices, like a good Italian girl...perhaps make a nice lasagna or something of that nature...but that's not my style. I'm all about the sweet...so when I saw the pin above I knew the loaf and I were meant to be...
Peekaboo! |
Look at me, getting all artsy with the zucks! |
The pin sent me to the Family Kitchen blog, and while I was reading it, I kept being hit with words like MOIST and DENSE...my mouth started watering. All my life I've searched for a good loaf that is MOIST and DENSE. Two things that sometimes are difficult to combine. And now I can toss some zucchini in, make it "healthy" and feel good about plowing through a loaf on my own....BUT WAIT, could it be? This recipe makes MORE THAN ONE LOAF???? GET OUTTA TOWN!!!!! This is the best find in the universe. This blogger is pure genius.
So I read the list of ingredients, compiled them and pondered...should I modify? I REALLY, REALLY, REALLY wanted to. I'm not a huge fan of chocolate chips/nuts/raisins in my loaves. Really. Some people may be aghast, but it is so. I like to bite into my MOIST, DENSE loaf slice without the hindrance of having my teeth gnashing on something hard, or chewy for that matter. Give me a plain ol' piece of sweet loaf and I'll be happy as a clam. So, I was going to leave those stinkin' chocolate chips out of the mix, but I wondered if they added to the sweet flavour of the "bread/cake", so I wanted to keep the recipe intact...this time...(For recipe, click HERE)
As I was mixing all of the ingredients, I was getting super excited about trying these things out. The smell was fantastic. I popped them into my oven and waited. The smell of the house was overwhelming...it took all the willpower I could muster to keep myself from opening and closing the oven door a million times just to catch another waft.
They're baking....EEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!! |
Ding! The timer went off. I rushed to the oven, opened the door and slid them onto the cooling rack. Patience, so they tell me, is a virtue...one that I'm in short supply of (I have two kids, you know...), but I wanted to wait until those loafs were ripe for the pickin'. I didn't want to risk the flavour at all by cutting and tasting it too early. The minutes passed like hours...maybe even days...but finally they were cool enough that I could justify slicing through loaf number 1. I lifted the piece to my mouth....
and.....?????? |
...it was dry, DENSE (I'll give it that...)and almost flavourless...sorry for the build-up kids. I was just as devastated as you are now. Imagine...waiting all that time (10 minutes of prep, one hour of baking and 10 minutes of cooling)...all for naught. And of course, now I'm stuck with two freakin' loaves of this garbage. BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! I threw it in the freezer and maybe one day, when I'm chocolate deprived, I may venture into the deep freeze and thaw it out. Most likely, however, I'll do my annual freezer clean-out (yes, I'm aware that I should be doing it seasonally, but if you haven't discovered yet, I'm stinkin' lazy, okay????), I'll just toss it out with the rest of the forgotten left-overs.
Now to be fair, I like to give a recipe more than one chance. There are many things that could be to blame for this epic recipe fail...Perhaps I overmixed, or undermixed...maybe I overcooked (although I'm the undercooker of the universe)... maybe the heat in my oven was too much for the poor loaves to bare... I perused the blog to see if anyone else had encountered the same issues as me, but didn't really find anything that matched. So perhaps it was something on my side...? I'll give it another go. Definitely with some modifications - no chocolate chips. Anyone up for some chocolate loaves if the second go is a bust...?? Anyone...? Bueller...?
Shout Out:
Perhaps you should give it a try. Let me know if you get better results! Family Kitchen